# 2021-09-20 Google maps api failure postmortem

Date: 2021-09-20

Summary: Upmo's location search and map was unusable for an hour due to incorrect usage of an environment variable.


  • Google autocomplete was unusable on our website.
  • Google maps couldn't load on our website.
  • Other google maps api based services, such as directions were unusable too.

Root causes: Nonprod environment variables getting injected in production (this relates back to Webapp Build Once Postmortem )

Resolution: Code revert

Detection: Manual + Synthetic monitoring suite

Action items:

Action item Type
Be more diligent while modifying environment variables used within nuxt config process
Outline a quicker rollback strategy mitigate
Avoid using production page in blog post assertion process

# Lessons Learned

# What went well

  • Harsh manually verified things on prod immediately after deployment and realised things weren't right.
  • We reverted our code immediately after manual verification.
  • Our synthetic monitoring suite alarmed us as an additional verification measure.

# What went wrong

  • Reverting our code broke tests, as some tests depended on production page verification.
  • This issue couldn't be caught in nonprod, as it directly affects a specific environment.

# Where we got lucky

  • We manually verified things immediately after deployment.
  • We knew exactly what had gone wrong and how to fix it in time with surety.

# Timeline

2021-09-20 (all times UTC, unless explicity mentioned)

  • 12:03 Our google maps script refactoring is deployed on production.
  • 12:03 Harsh does a basic sanity check on production and discovers the incident.
  • 12:04 Harsh investigates the root cause as an incorrect api key being configured in webapp.
  • 12:05 Harsh pushes the reverted commit to resolve the issue.
  • 12:36 Our automation test fails due to an assertion against an already broken production environment.
  • 12:40 Harsh pushes the modified buildscript to temporarily skip our tests.
  • 13:13 The reverted commit is deployed to production.
  • 13:13 Harsh and Deen verify everything is working normally in production.